The following concepts, principals and beliefs have been written to form a constant reminder and guide of the way in which we wish to conduct our presence in the world. They are listed in alphabetical order.
CELEBRATION Theatre is a celebration of life. We aim to find meaning as we explore the essence of our humanity. As performers we play in the field of emotions and explore the potential of our spirit. CENTRED This is the balance point of the extreme opposites. This is the two polarities inside us, the believer and the sceptic, the male and the female, let them share the stress and row the boat together, in the same direction. This is balance. Not too hot and not too cold. The Goldilocks concept. It’s about finding that place that is "just right" We only find this balanced centre when we explore the extremes of either side. This creates the dynamics in life. CHALLENGE Challenge our skills and our minds as performers, and challenge the beliefs of our audience. CHANGE This is one thing you can be sure of. Embrace it. Create it. CHOICE Our greatest POWER is the power of choice. Do not underestimate the force that undermines this power. To lie in bed or to get up. This is the basic choice and with it comes the power to achieve or to not achieve. COOPERATION Never forget "no one is smarter than all of us". A team can create more, achieve more than the individual who stands alone. Ever seen one sole man build a sky scraper. CREATIVITY "Creativity involves a new way of looking at life - an expression of originality; it is also a matter of generating the energy necessary to break through old barriers and explore new territory." (page 35 Dan Millman The Life You Were Born To Live) DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Develop the inner security and confidence that allows you to dare to be considered odd Celebrate Being, Acting, Feeling different. DO NOT CONFORM. Embrace the objectives of being original, innovative, cutting edge, generous, wise, joyous, courageous and compassionate GARDEN Every day, spend time in your garden. Plant your dreams, water them, prune them, and watch them grow. LEADERSHIP The purest form of leadership is to inspire others by example. LOVE Allow people to grow, give them power by showing you care.... that is love. STEP BY STEP Any goal, no matter how big, can be broken down into small manageable steps. Take one step at a time. Try to skip a step and you often fall down. You must buy the ingredients before you can bake a cake. After buying them, you first must measure the ingredients, mix them, put them in a baking tin and then place that tin in the oven. But never forget, the cake will not cook if you don’t turn the oven on.